pudsey bear

pudsey bearThe official mascot of Children in Need Pudsey Bear. It is named after the town of Pudsey, where its creator, Joanna Ball, from. Founded in 1983, he first appeared on the television program in 1985. At that time, it was a bear, but he was the famous yellow with a bandage over his right eye for the campaign fundraising in 1986 changed.

Pudsey was not the only trend from 1985, the other was an official song, and all proceeds from sales go to charity. The first song was followed by Clanned, Suzi Quatro with Bronski Brown and other artists in 1986, Paul McCartney two years later. Others made ​​the official song of S Club 7, Will Young, Girls Aloud and the Spice Girls have content.

pudsey bear pudsey bear pudsey bear pudsey bear pudsey bear pudsey bear pudsey bear pudsey bear pudsey bear

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