Red Wolf

Red WolfThe Red Wolf Conspiracy by Robert VS Redick is a grand entrance. It's a classic fantasy epic fantasy adventure on the high seas, based on an ancient merchant ship, the IMS is focused Chathrand, the largest and last of its kind

A merchant ship 600 years Imperial Chathrand on an important mission for the Emperor of Arqual. For peace between Arqual and his opponents, forging the empire Mzithrin, was hired by the military commander, Admiral Eberzam ISIQ to give his only daughter, Thasha, in marriage to the Prince of Mzithrin. They set sail, but there are secret plans to overthrow the kingdom Mzithrin. Knowledge and Thasha tarboy young Pazel, of the conspiracy and to form an alliance. Old secrets are revealed and the trip takes a dangerous turn. The crew and passengers are in the middle of events that could destroy both empires.

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