Black Bear Hamster

Black Bear HamsterWell, in fact, a black bear hamster is nothing more and nothing less than a natural color variation of the standard Syrian hamster, Mesocricetus auratus. Of the 11 naturally occurring recessive mutations, a hamster that is all black is one of them.

There is no known connection between the genes that determine color and the genes that determine temperament. So do not let a pet store owner convince you that a pelage of a certain color or pattern is an indication that the hamster will be more or less friendly. The only way to identify the temperament of a hamster is by observing its behavior. Observe how the animal interacts with the breeder or pet store associate. Does it allow that person to handle it, or is the hamster aggressive?

Whether you opt for a black bear hamster or an animal with a different colored coat, remember the rule: One hamster; one cage.

Another point to keep in mind when referring to the black bear hamster is that there are several variations in hair texture, so black bear hamsters, while having the same coloring, may look vastly different.

Black Bear Hamster Black Bear Hamster Black Bear Hamster Black Bear Hamster Black Bear Hamster Black Bear Hamster Black Bear Hamster Black Bear Hamster Black Bear Hamster Black Bear Hamster Black Bear Hamster Black Bear Hamster

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